Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Proteins and Nucleic Acids

  • Most important substance in the bodies of living things.
  • Building blocks for muscle, hair, blood cells, skin, slk, enzymes, insulin, etc.

Amino Acids
  • Building blocks of proteins.
  • Contain an amine (NH2) group and carboxyl (COOH) group.
  • Various side chains (R groups) attach to the carbon adjacent to the N.
  • Results in 20 different common amino acids.
  • Our bodies can synthesize 12 out of 20.
    • The other 8 must come from diet
    • Known as essential amino acids
List of Amino Acids

Polypeptide Chains

  • Amino acids joined together with peptide bonds.
  • Dipeptides: two amino acids joined together
    • Aspartame (artificial sweetener)
  • Polypeptides: polymers of many amino acids
Polypeptide chain or protein

  • Polymer of one or more polypeptide chains.
  • Some contain several hundred amino acids others several thousand.
  • Various structures
Nucleic Acids

DNA Structure
  • When cells reproduce, they pass genetic information to one another in long-chain molecules called chromosomes.
  • Human body contains 46 chromosomes in the nuclei.
  • Segments of chromosomes, called genes, carry the coded information to that directs the production of specific polypeptide chains.
  • Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acid.
    • Three units:
      • 5 carbon sugar (ribose or dioxyribose)
      • phosphate group
      • ring-shaped nitrogen containing base
  • There are five possible nitrogen-congaing bases attached to the sugar:
    • Adenine (A)
    • Cytosine (C)
    • Guanine (G)
    • Thymine (T)
    • Uracil (U)
  • DNA has A, C, G, T
  • RNA has A, C, G, U
  • DNA is two strains coiled around each other in a double helix
  • When cells divide, a DNA strand reproduces by first unraveling with the help of enzymes. 
  • Each of the two resulting strands serves as a template, or pattern, for a new complementary chain.
  • Complementary bases on the newly forming strand match the now-exposed bases of the old strand.
  • When the process of replication is completed, two identical double-stranded DNA molecules result. 
DNA Replication

  • One strand goes to each half of the dividing cell.
  • DNA and RNA molecules instruct cells on how to make proteins.
    • DNA is used as a template to make RNA.
    • RNA is made up of nucleotides.
    • Trinucleotide groups (3 nucleotides) code for various amino acids.
    • As the amino acids join together, they form proteins. 
    • The proteins are the chemical manifestation of our physical characteristics. 
This is an example of protein synthesis from RNA

Differences between DNA and RNA
  • DNA
    • the sugar is deoxyribose
    • contains thymine
    • double strand
  • RNA
    • the sugar is ribose
    • contains uracil
    • single strand

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