Monday, February 24, 2014


  • Let’s pretend we are going to a party and we want to bring marshmallow treats. Here is our recipe.
    • 3 T of butter
    • 40 marshmallows
    • 6 c of rice cereal
    • This will make 24 treats
  • We realize that we only have 4.5 cups of cereal. What do we do?
    • 4.5 c cereal x 40 marshmallows/6 c cereal
  • Would this be enough to feed the 20 people that are coming?
    • 4.5 c cereal x 24 treats/6 c cereal = 18 treats
  • We use this same process to determine how much of the products we need in chemistry to make a certain amount of reactant.
  • For example, in the equation P4 + 5O2 —> 2P2O5, we know that for every 1 molecule of of P4 and 5 molecules of O2, we are going to end up with 2 molecules of P2O5
    • This gives us various relationships in our equation:
      • 1 mol P4 reacts to form 2 mol P2O5 (1:2 ratio)
      • 1 mol P4 reacts with 5 mol O2 (1:5 ratio) and
      • 5 mol O2 reacts to form 2 mol P2O5 (5:2 ratio)
    • Even if we were to cut the original quantities in half or double them, we would still have the same ratio. These are known as mole ratios.
  • We can use these ratios to do mole-to-mole conversions. This would be to determine how much of a product we would get if we added a certain amount of reactants.
  • If a chemical engineer wanted to produce 25.0 mol of diphosphorus pentoxide, how many moles of phosphors would they need?
    • 25.0 mol P2O5 x 1 mol P4/2 mol P2O5 = 12.5 mol P4
  • What is the amount of oxygen needed?
    • 12.5 mol P4 x 5 mol O2/1 mol P4 = 62.5 mol O2
  • If 25.0 mol of diphosphorus pentoxide reacts with water to form phosphoric acid, how many moles of water is required? P2O5 + 3H2O —> 2H3PO
    • 25.00 mol P2O5 x 3 mol H2O/ 1 mol P2O5 = 75.0 mol H2O
  • Why must the conversions be done in moles? Because the recipe/balanced equation is based on moles, not mass. 
  • If we wanted to know the moles of diphosphorus pentoxide that would result from the burning of 1.55 kg of phosphorus from the previous equation, we first have to convert mass to moles.
    • 1550 g P4 x 1 mol/123.9 g P4 = 12.5 mol P4
    • Then we can use our ratio to determine the diphosphorus pentoxide that would result:
      • 12.5 mol P4 x 2 mol P2O5/1 mol p 4 = 25.0 mol P2O5
  • Example: How many moles of phosphoric acid can be formed from 3550 g of diphosphorus pentoxide? P2O5 + 3H2O —> 2H3PO4
    • First convert 3550 g P2O5 to moles.
      • 3550 g P2O5 x 1 mol P2O5/141.9 g P2O5 = 25.0 mol P2O5 
    • Then use ratio to figure out the rest
      • 25.0 mol P2O5 x 2 mol H3PO4/1 mol P2O5 = 50.0 mol H3PO4
  • What if we want need to figure out mass given mass? 
  • What mass of water will react with 3500 g of diphosphorus pentoxide? P2O5 + 3H2O —> 2H3PO4
    • 3550 g P2O5 x 1 mol P2O5/141.9 g P2O5 = 25.0 mol P2O5 
    • 25.0 mol P2O5 x 3 mol H2O/1 mol P2O5 = 75.0 mol H2O
    • 75.0 mol H2O x 18.02 g H2O/1 mol H2O = 1350 g H2O

Calculating Empirical Formula from % Composition

  • Empirical formulas contain the information needed to calculate the percent composition of compounds since they preserve the ration of atoms in a compound. When the mole ratio is conserved, so is the mass ratio. 
  • Scientists use this to determine the empirical formula of a compound by experimentally determining the percent composition. 
  • Suppose a chemist is given 100.0 g of an unknown substance. After analysis, he concludes that it contains 75.00 g (75%) C and 25.00 g (25%) O. We are able to figure out the empirical formula from this information.
    • 75.00 g C x 1 mol C/12.01 g C = 6.245 mol C
    • 25.00 g H x 1 mol H/1.01 g H = 24.80 mol H
    • Next to get a 1: something ratio, we divide both numbers by the smallest.
      • 6.245/6.245 = 1
      • 24.80/6.245 = 3.97 (this gets rounded to 4)
    • with a ratio of 1:4, we can write our formula as C1H4 or CH4
  • A laboratory analysis of an unknown gas has determined that the bass is 72.55% oxygen and 27.45% carbon by mass. What is the empirical formula of the compound?
    • 73.55 g O x 1 mol O/16.00 g O = 4.534 mol O
    • 27.45 g C x 1 mol g C/12.01 g C = 2.286 mol C
    • 4.543/2.286 : 2.286/2.286 = 1.983:1.000
    • Giving a ratio of 2 O:1 C
    • CO2
  • A 5.000 g sample of an unknown compound contains 1.844 g of N and 3.156 g of O. Find the empirical formula.
    • 1.844 g N x 1 mol N/14.01 g N = 0.1316 mol N
    • 3.156 g O x 1 mol O/16.00 g O = 0.1973 mol O
    • 0.1316/0.1316 : 0.1973/0.1316 = 1:1.499
      • Because we do not have half numbers in empirical formulas, we must eliminate the fraction. Making this 2:3
      • N2O3
  • Caffeine, in coffee and some carbonated beverages, is 5.170% H, 16.49% O, 28.86% N, and 49.48% C by mass. What is the empirical formula of caffeine? (C4H5N2O)

Practice for Test

A. Find moles, grams, and number of particles:
  1. 9.35g of Al2O3 contains how many molecules?
  2. 0.253 moles of BN has a mass of…
  3. Calculate the number of moles of 8.46 x 1024 atoms of F.
  4. Calculate the number of moles of 4.35g of Cs2CO3.
  5. 0.692moles of CsH contains how many molecules?
  6. How many moles are in 14.49 g of CoSO4.
  7. What is the mass of 7.20 x 1023 atoms of Ne?
  8. 50.82 g of Cr2O3 has how many moles?
  9. 2.84 moles of N2H4 has how many molecules?
  10. 5.29 x 1024 molecules of HCl has a mass of…

B. % Composition when given mass
  1. In a 30.0 g sample of Pb(NO3)2, Pb has a mass of 2.535 g, N a mass of 8.694 g, and O a mass of 18.768 g. What is the % composition?
  2. In a 25.0 g sample of Hg2Cl2, Hg has a mass of 3.755 g and Cl has a mass of 21.245 g. What is the % composition.
  3. In a 20.0 g sample of Ni(NO3)2, Ni has a mass of 3.066 g, Ni has a mass of 6.426 g, and O has a mass of 10.508 g. What is the % composition?

C. % Composition when given empirical formula?
  1. What is the % composition of KMnO4?
  2. What is the % composition of Sc2O3?
  3. What is the % composition of H2SeO4?
  4. What is the % composition of Cl3HSi?
  5. What is the % composition of NaBrO?

D. Finding empirical formula from % composition
1.  Na_Al_O_
  • Na: 28.05%
  • Al: 32. 92%
  • O: 39.03%

2. Na_Mn_O_
  • Na: 16.20%
  • Mn: 38.71%
  • O: 45.09%

3. S_O_Cl_
  • S: 32.76%
  • O: 23.71%
  • Cl: 52.53%

4. Zr_O_
  • Zr: 74.03%
  • O: 25.97%

5. Pb_Cl_
  • Pb: 75.51%
  • Cl: 25.49%

6. H_Cl_O_
  • H: 1.92%
  • Cl: 67.58%
  • O: 30.50%

7. B_H_
  • B: 21.86%
  • H: 78.14%

E. Stoichiometry 
1. Using the following equation, answer the questions:
3 + 3H2O ➝ H3PO3 + 2HCl
    A. How many moles of HCl are produced if 3.4 moles of H2O are used?
    B. How many grams of PCl3 are needed to produce 12.0 moles of HCl?
    C. How many grams of H3PO3 are produced if 13.40 g of H2O are used?
2. Using the following equation, answer the questions:
2 + 5O2 ➝ 4CO2 + 2H2O
    A. How many moles of O2 are used to make 23.0 grams of H2O?
    B. How many moles of CaH2 must be used to make 12.0 moles of CO2?
    C. How many grams of H2O are made when 25.0 grams of CaH2 are used?


A. Find moles, grams, and number of particles:
  1. 5.52 x 1022 molecules of Al2O3
  2. 6.28 g of BN
  3. 14.05 mol F
  4. 0.013 mol CsCO3
  5. 4.17 x 1023 molecules CsH
  6. 0.093 mol CoSO4
  7. 24.13 g Ne
  8. 0.334 mol Cr2O3
  9. 1.71 x 1024 molecules N2H4
  10. 320.28 g HCl

B. % Composition when given mass
  1. Pb: 8.46%; N: 28.98%; O: 62.56% 
  2. Hg: 15.02%; 84.98%
  3. N: 15.33%; 32.13%; O: 52.54%

C. % Composition when given empirical formula?
  1. K: 24.74%; Mn: 34.76%; O: 40.50%
  2. Sc: 65.20%; O: 34.80%
  3. H: 1.39%; Se: 54.47%; O: 44.14%
  4. Cl: 78.52%; H: 0.74%; Si: 20.73%
  5. Na: 19.34%; Br: 67.21%; O: 13.46%

D. Finding empirical formula from % composition
  1. NaAlO2
  2. NaMnO4
  3. SO2Cl2
  4. ZrO2
  5. PbCl2
  6. HClO
  7. B2H6

E. Soichiometry
1A. 2.27 mol HCl
1B. 823.92 g PCl3
1C. 20.34 g H3PO3
2A. 3.19 mol O2
2B. 6.0 mol CaH2

2C. 10.70 g H2O

Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice 9.1

·         How many atoms are in 3.2 mols of Na?
·         How many atoms are in 1.9 mols of Au?
·         Calculate the mass of 0.2345 mols of fluorine atoms.
·         Calculate the mass of 1.575 mols of chromium atoms.
·         How many atoms are in 33.3 g of Fe?
·         How many atoms are in 2.9 g of N?
·         What is the molar mass of H2SO4?

·         What is the molar mass of KMnO4?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Compounds and the Mole

·         If a substance has more than one element, add up the molar mass of the element.
·         For example: H2O has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. You figure it out by adding the molar masses of the two different elements.
o   2H + O = molar mas of H2O
o   2(1.01 g) + 16.00 g = 18.02 g/mol
·         These units are expressed in grams per mol because the molecular weight is per 1 mol of the substance.
·         Example Problem: Find the molar mass of Al2(SO4)3.
o   First, we make our equation:
§  2Al + 3S + 12O = molar mass of Al2(SO4)3
o   Second, we plug in our numbers:

§  2(26.98 g) + 3(32.07 g) + 12(16.00 g) = 342.2 g/mol

Molar Mass

  • Compare the weight of 12 apples and 12 grapes. The apples would weigh considerable more. It is the same for elements. A mole of carbon is considerable lighter than one mole of copper.
  • Scientists use the mole to relate to the atomic weight on the periodic table. If we say that Hydrogen has an atomic weight of 1.01 g, what does this mean? How much Hydrogen?
  • The mass of one mole of any pure substance is called its molar mass.
  • For example:
    • Carbon has an atomic weight of 12.01 g. This means that 1 mole of Carbon atoms (or 6.022 x 1023 atoms of Carbon) have a mass of 12.01 g.
    • Mercury has an atomic weight of 200.59 g. This means that 1 mole of Mercury has a mass of 200.59 g.  
  • Example problem: Calculate the mass of 0.5000 mol of Helium.
    • 0.5000 mol He x 4.003 g He/1 mol He = 2.002 g
  • Example problem: How many copper atoms are in a 4.00 g sample of pure copper wire.
    • First, we need to find the number of moles.
      • 4.00 g Cu x 1 mol Cu/63.55 g Cu = 0.0629 mol Cu
    • Second, using Avogadro’s number, we can find the number of atoms.
      • 0.0629 mol Cu x 6.0022 x 1023 atoms Cu/1 mol Cu = 3.79 x 1222 atoms Cu

Avogadro’s Number and the Mole

  • Because atoms are so small and nearly impossible to count, scientists have developed a unit called the mole to make counting atoms more practical.
  • A mole (mol) is the amount of substance contained in 6.022 x 1023 particles. This is called Avogadro’s number.
    • 1 mol of He atoms = 6.022 x 1023 He atoms
    • 1 mol of H2O molecules = 60.22 x 1023 H2O molecules
    • 1 mole of NaCl formula units = 6.022 x 1023 NaCl formula units
  • Because the mole contains such a huge number of particles, it is only used to describe things that are very small.
  • Example Problem: How many atoms are in a 4.5 mol sample of helium? 2.7 x 1024 atoms


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Miss Cunningham